

Jerusalem Speaks to Haruki Murakami

Jerusalem Speaks to Haruki Murakami

Need the context? Very well, here you go:

English: http://0000000000.net/p-navi/info/news/200902122136.htm

Japanese: http://0000000000.net/p-navi/info/column/200901271425.htm

Spanish: http://mc-en-japon.blogspot.com/2009/02/carta-abierta-hmurakami-para-que.html

French: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shohoji/20090206/1233908596

I promise you, there'll be at least five other languages within the next 17 hours, and the project will go on next week. Also, this may come as a surprise, but you are the one to carry it on.

I welcome criticisms, constructive or otherwise, well-sprited or otherwise. There's just one thing I can't take: strategic advice. If you are my enemy, why are you giving it to me? Your behavior is irrational. If you are my friend, great. Do me a favor: go do it yourself, please.

Special thanks are due to Takeshi, Kaori, and Jun for their help making this possible. Also, I'd like to mention aozorafantasii, for her music inspired me although we probably don't share politics.