


Today, we are all Obama, yes we can, and yes we shall!


This is not a mockery; it's my most sincere expression of respect for the American people and their tradition, their founding documents and their heros like Malcolm X and Dr. King.

We have problems of our own in my country, including but not limited to the government's support for Israel and unlawful persecution of Korean residents and other foreigners.

I used to be a cynic, believing there's nothing I can do about it, perhaps except blame the bad guys and keep on whining, pretending to be a victim of the circumstances instead of assuming responsibility as a free human being. But Obama's speeches transformed me. I now have faith in hope and hope in faith, and I recognize that it's my responsibility to do something, to protest, to overthrow the unconstitutional government.

My dear friends, let's not get disappointed. This is a lesson learned, at least. Obama taught us change is possible, and that we are the ones we've been waiting for. Which means what? That's right, it's possible to change Obama or throw him out of the office. And who will do that? Us, of course. For those who doubt, let me say that magic proclamation: yes, we can! Yes, we can, because we must!

Yujiro Tsuneno, Tokyo, Japan


I meant to accuse the US of its support for the state of Israel, and advocate anti-zionism, which is a totally different thing from anti-semitism.


